Today I updated a new section that contains the experimental data of the drop experiment at ZARM in Bremen. You can convince yourself that the acceleration of the different materials in the video is not equal by extracting the acceleration of Li, C and Pb with the help of the dataset that I provide here. Link to the new section!
All posts by Gyula Szász
Paradigm change
It is time for a Paradigm change in modern physics, here you will find my thoughts on this (an english version will be available soon).
Drop Experiment (Time Table and History)
Today I updated the Drop Experiment by the Time table and its background history (click for direct link). It also includes the supporting letter from the DLR and the GLR protocol of the experiment. I will add more details on the lawsuit against ZARM and the questionable expert reports from the LMU and ZARM themselfes.
ZNA rejection
There is also an update on the peer review process Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A – A Journal of Physical Sciences – ZNA.
Book is available for download now
I’m very happy to pronounce that you can download all chapters of my book Physics of Elementary Processes now. It is an almost complete overview of the theory of an Atomistic Theory of Matter.
Please do not hesitate to post comments to the individual chapters of the book!
Banned from
Today I was banned (again) from the “” – Forum. The argumentation from the moderator is shown here.
Rejections of my manuscript
In April and May 2015 my manuscript “Atomistic Theory of Matter;
Stable Particles and a Unified Field” was first rejected from Physical Review D and secondly from the European Journal of Physics C.
You can find more information on the decision of the referees here.