Abstract: A measurement of the simultaneous fall of seven solid chemical elements is performed in a vacuum from a height of 110 meters. Fall distance differences were observed relative to Al due to acceleration differences up to ΔaAl,Li/aAl 0.045(1) % which explain the non-equivalence of and the inertial mass mji and gravitational mass mjg. The result confirms mji = mjg (1-ΔjMD/f) with a factor f = 6.7(4) whereby ΔjMD is the relative mass defect of isotopes, measured with mass spectrometers. A composition dependency of the Free Fall is also observed in the motions of planets in order of 0.15%. By an assumed second invariant property of the four stable elementary particles e, p, P and E (negative charged proton), the mg of a body is proportional to its gravitational charge gm= g mg = g N (mP-me) on one hand. On the other hand, the inertial mass is mi = mg– EB/c² with EB= mg ΔMD c². Newton’s law mi am = –G Mg mg/r²= – gM gm/4r² with the gravitational constant G = g²/4 corresponds solely to the static gravitational field, similar to Coulomb law of static electricity. Therefore, the Newtonian G = G Mg/ Mi mg/mi G (1+ΔMD (M)+ ΔMD (m)) is composition dependent.
PACS: 04.20.Cv, 04.80.Cc, 12.10.-g, 14.02.Dh