Einstein and the physics
At the turn to the 20th century the physicists have observed very much nature phenomena which could not explained within the classical physics. In that time was also an irreconcilable scientific debate between the atomistic physicists (Ludwig Boltzmann) and the energetic physicists (Ernst Mach, Wilhelm Ostwald). The energy conservation and the possibility to derive the equations of motions from energy expressions were integral concepts of the classical physics. These concepts are inseparable connected with closed physical systems, with conservative interactions and with the assumption that the knowledge of precise inertial conditions is given. On the other side, Newton’s axioms to classical mechanics drove the consideration of inertial systems and accelerated systems and inertial masses. With the development of electrodynamics (A. Lorentz and Poincaré) the connection of space and time was proposed (H. Minkowski) since the electromagnetic interaction propagates with c. The integration of the second fundamental interaction, the gravitation, was first not performed. We remember, the law of gravity was discovered by Newton which connected the gravity with the gravitational mass in the statically case. Since about the propagation of gravity there was no knowledge, some researches were disposed to connect the mass to the very effective electrodynamics and to explain mass as contribution of the electrodynamics.
At 1900 Max Planck has tried to explain the spectral radiation of black bodies with a new introduced constant, h, which quantizes the energy or the action. He was not happy because he did not have a really physical explanation for the appearance of h. 1905 has Albert Einstein published a paper with a heuristic explanation of photo electric effect; he introduced the light quanta with E =hν. Furthermore, in the same year he has developed the special relativity theory on the basics of inertial systems and has connected mass and energy with the E = mc2 relation. Ten years later Einstein established the general theory of relativity and on the basics of the assumed equality of inertial mass and gravitational mass, he has thrown away the gravitational mass. With a metric tensor he has tried a calculation of the universe, by taking account that rest mass, energy and momentum are space and time dependent. He did not have considered the gravitation as interaction, but th gravity is only a deformation of space and time around the masses. The finally results of Einstein’s thoughts are two different metrics, one for electrodynamics and one for gravity. The two fundamental interaction are not connected in one comprehensible theory up to nowadays. Einstein has derived his ideas on the basics of theory of cognition, but with bad generalizations of the classical physics. For instance, he has believed on the energetic theory, on the equivalence of inertial mass and gravitational mass and on the usage of inertial systems in order to motivate the mass-energy-equivalence, E = mc2. Furthermore, he has believed on a deterministic view of natural phenomena. For instance, he did not recognize that the electric current in the Maxwell equation is only a probability density current. At the end of his live, Einstein was not happy with his own physics than he said “thousand experiments cannot satisfy whether I am correct, but one experiment can show that I don’t have right.”
The Einstein’s construct does not need only a little supplement as believed by the most scientists, but it is basically wrong. First of all, his energetic concept is wrong. Further, the gravitational mass which appears in the gravitational interaction between particles is not equivalent to the inertial mass. Within the special relativity theory the relation E = mc2 cannot be valid because in inertial systems nothing can be said about masses. Therefore, I have formulated an atomistic theory of matter, www.atomsz.com which is based on four indivisible elementary particles, e, p, P and E, and the elementary particles carry two conserved elementary charges, the electric elementary charges, qi = {±e} and the gravitational elementary charges, gi = {±gme, ±gmP}. The masses me, mP are invariant elementary masses of electron and proton and the universal gravitational constant is G=g2/4π. The role of elementary charges is twofold: They are simultaneously the physical properties of the elementary particles and they cause the two fundamental interactions which propagate with c and which are non-conservative vector-fields. Since the time developments of physical systems are derived from an action integral, this is a probability density functional, in finite ranges of the Minkowski space, the fields and particles must fulfill separate boundary and subsidiary conditions. The subsidiary condition of particles, the particle number conservations, causes the appearance of Lagrange multipliers in the equations of particle motions. The Planck constant, h, play the role of a Lagrange multiplier and does not quantizes the energy and the electromagnetic field. The atomistic theory of matter is also a quantum field theory, but in which only the sources of the interacting fields are quantized with conserved charges. Einstein’s construct of physics is completely obsolete and with the composition dependency of the difference of the gravitational and inertial masses the experimental decision is made; Galileo’s UFF hypothesis of is wrong, the free falls of bodies are composition dependent. Nevertheless, the academic physics claims further on the UFF hypothesis by an unbelievable ignorance of experimental data.