Bill Eshleman

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  • in reply to: Einstein #558
    Bill Eshleman

    Gyula said:

    “I think, I have said clearly what I mean. I have the impression, you don’t understand or/and you don’t reflect to my clear arguments. I am considering the end of our discussion is coming. I don’t respond more, until you could give me a significant new argument for discussion, and I decide what is significant. The entropy argument is not significant,”

    But now you have seen even more of how difficult it is to
    try to teach new things to folks who have been brainwashed
    by the 20th century “physics interpretations”;

    interpretations of both the data and the mathematics.

    I warned you in private email at the beginning of our
    discussions that I would not be a “blank-slate”, but more
    like the worst student you’ve ever had… full of crazy,
    preconceived notions, so it is to your credit as a teacher,
    that you put-up-with-me for so long……..

    One more thing, is the question significant as to whether
    the electromagnetic and gravitomagnetic interactions(forces)
    become one in the very strong field?


    in reply to: Einstein #549
    Bill Eshleman

    “No one can take from us the joy of first becoming aware of something, the so-called discovery. But if we also demand the honor, it can be utterly spoiled for us, for we are usually not the first.” Goethe

    If one considers that there are most likely a vast number
    of conscious and intelligent lifeforms in just our own galaxy,
    then there is only a very slim chance to be the “first discoverer” of anything.

    in reply to: Einstein #548
    Bill Eshleman

    Dear Gyula,

    “There are no physical reasons to assume that these fields are quantized.”

    Then I anticipate some very good news for you….

    There is no purely mathematical reason for quantization
    of fields nor any of the other false quantizations either.
    Certainly, there are good reasons, like the double-slit
    experiment and the discrete spectrum of atoms, to be
    tricked into believing that the false quantizations are
    real, but tricks are neither physics nor are they
    mathematics; they are illusions; they are caused by the
    real quantizations… the quantization and conservation
    of electric and gravitational charges, as you profess.

    I have suspected this for decades, and you have put it
    into a nutshell. you have united electricity and
    gravitation. What’s left is to unite electricity and
    the so-called strong force, and then your theory will be
    no less than a new and complete standard model.

    And I say this in great sincerity and admiration of your

    Mit kollegialen Grüßen,

    in reply to: Einstein #546
    Bill Eshleman

    It is not clear to me at the moment as to why the field of
    a quantized charge is NOT quantized itself, but please let
    us discuss that at another time.

    But for now, please explain to me why you reject the
    quantizations of the other things that your peers take for
    granted are quantized.

    I concur, Nature does abhor a singularity because, for lack
    of other analogies, the singularity is merely an unachievable asymptote; and there is not enough energy in
    the universe for matter to achieve a so-called singularity.
    And there is not enough time in the universe for a computer
    to achieve it either; all a computer can do is calculate an
    unending sequence of terms and/or factors analogous to
    attempting to calculate the value of an irrational number.

    Again, why do you hold that things your peers think are
    quantized, are not quantized, but continuous?

    I agree that they should be continuous as well, but am
    fishing for reasons why. Please explain.

    in reply to: Einstein #541
    Bill Eshleman

    Dear Gyula,

    If I was starting a new thread I would call it:

    “RealQuantities, PseudoQuantities, and the Singularity”

    In your theory, the real-quantities are (e,P,p,E) which
    quantize the electric and gravitational charges and fields.
    Everything else is continuous in nature. I’m not sure how
    you have came to the conclusion that “everything else” is
    NOT quantized, but I’ve come to the same conclusion from
    my in-depth study of 1/(1-x); I probably know more bizaar
    properties of this relation than anyone else in this world.

    I literally know of an infinity of identities for this
    seemingly simple relationship; the so-called Lorentz factor
    is but one of its family members. I know its infinite sums
    and its infinite products. I view the products as generalizations of the sums; generalizations that yield
    many surprizing features. But I digress.

    When multiplying vectors we have two choices; the scalar
    product(dot product) and the pseudovector product(cross
    product). Therefore I take care never to multiply
    polynomial vector spaces to avoid those pseudovectors.

    It is my contension that standard QM does need crossproducts
    and that is where false quantizations rear their ugly heads.
    Magnetism, angular momentum and lots of other things are
    pseudovectors and therefore pseudoquantities as such.

    My speculation that pseudovectors are the source of
    pseudoquantizations is certainly a quite weak conjecture, but
    it lead me to investigate the relation between how close
    “x” is to unity and how many of the infinite set of factors
    that are needed. As I suspected, this seemingly trivial
    relation showed factors “popping” into existance as I
    successively halved the distance to the singularity at x=1.

    So I have come to the conclusion that the quantizations of
    the properties that you reject are somewhat convincingly rejected for mathematical reasons as well.

    I’m anxious for you to explain how you have come to the
    same conclusion that those quantizations are false. Maybe it will help or give me ideas that are mathematically more
    “concrete” than my currently quite hypothetical(bizaar)

    Please start a new thread if you choose to respond, but
    realize that I’m currently quite interested in why(how) you
    reject the quantizations that most of your peers take for

    Bill Eshleman

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Bill Eshleman.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Bill Eshleman.
    in reply to: Einstein #537
    Bill Eshleman

    Dear Gyula,

    GOOGLE seems to have made a mess of the Einstein quote;
    Please, if you will, translate the translation for me.

    “Make it so before that I look back with quiet satisfaction on a life’s work. But it is seen quite differently from close. There is not a single phrase that I would be confident that he will stand, and I feel unsure if I am ever on the right path.”

    Sometimes I feel like that too.

    Bill Eshleman

    in reply to: Is Entropy a "property" or a "primrose-path"? #534
    Bill Eshleman

    Dear Gyula,

    Now, with my feet again firmly attached to the Earth, and
    not at all attacking your theory, nor even proposing to fool
    you into a chain of reasoning that could negate your

    I propose that your theory be left intact, and suggest that
    it is only the form of your formalism, your purely Calculus
    treatment of motion that could stand a more statistical
    flavor. When I listen to you say that the positions and
    velocities cannot be determined and that the Laws of Nature
    are non-deterministic but causal, I see the need for your
    concept of motion to be augmented by the concept of “optimal
    transport” of information(-entropy). I believe that
    statistical laws are what Nature has; probabilities and
    their flow is a start, but large collections of objects
    need the concept of a “measure” and that the term “entropy”
    is that measure. Here is another video that I think you
    should be interested in:

    I suggest that your formal treatment is most accurately
    described as “analytic” and that Information Theory is
    as Cedric says, “synthetic” and so general that elegant and
    beautiful concepts are born-out-of this generality.

    Bill Eshleman

    in reply to: Is Entropy a "property" or a "primrose-path"? #519
    Bill Eshleman

    And that minus-sign that you modern physicists put into my
    “precious” Pythagorean-Theorem; I don’t interpret what
    happens as the creation of an imaginary axis; I see it as
    the creation and/or revelation of another real 3-dimensional
    world for so-called “weak-fields”; a world where our copies
    see time as the cause of interactions, whereas in this
    world we see the opposite…. that interactions are the cause of time. And as the fields get stronger and
    stronger, more and more other worlds get created and/or

    That the “weak-field” “other-world” could be an (E, p)
    world, would be very elegant indeed.

    The irony might be that for the “strong-field” we may
    be detecting particles that belong in the other-worlds and
    not in this world at all.

    in reply to: Is Entropy a "property" or a "primrose-path"? #518
    Bill Eshleman

    I’m even thinking that Feynman diagrams could easily
    have been developed as “entropic” instead of “energetic”
    He sums vectors that occur simultaneously, and dot products
    vectors that occur one after the other. I like Feynman diagrams, but sadly, they only represent how shallow my
    understanding of QM is. 🙁

    in reply to: Is Entropy a "property" or a "primrose-path"? #517
    Bill Eshleman

    A suspicious dichotomy, I’m thinking. A hidden symmetry.
    Possibly even a symmetry between Calculus and Information
    Theory. Or maybe even as “trivial” as “d” versus “delta”,
    and “integral” versus “summation”. To my way of thinking,
    numbers are only numbers, so maybe the symmetry is between
    the “concreteness of reality” and the “nothingness of

    in reply to: Is Entropy a "property" or a "primrose-path"? #515
    Bill Eshleman

    And this is the man who might be responsible for
    creating a new way to replace Calculus as a modeling
    language. He got the 2009 Fields Medal for studying
    the Boltzmann Equation.

    in reply to: Is Entropy a "property" or a "primrose-path"? #514
    Bill Eshleman

    This Wikipedia entry is what I was exposed to at university;
    it was called Communication Theory at that time. The so-
    called “other” entropies still baffle me. I call it the
    “candy-store” entropy and have been utterly brainwashed and
    hung out to dry, on its “truth”.

    Communications require a transmitter, a channel, and a receiver. This theory allows electrical engineers to
    describe the information content of alphabetic characters
    and words so that optimal(but noisy) channels can be

    e, P, p, E is the alphabet, the atoms and composite
    particles are the words, the radiations are the noise,
    and the channel is space(time).

    To me, the analogy is fascinating; so I think/speculate
    that most, if not all, models of particles and their interactions can be modeled not necessarily with Newton’s
    old-style Calculus, but with the more modern Shannon
    Information(communication) Theory concepts instead.

    But it is important to know that I view this as merely an
    hypothesis; the theory comes to me courtesy of Boltzmann, Gibbs, et. al., and finally Shannon.

    Entropy is an extensive property and its paths are real
    and reversible and conserved and symmetric(usually).

    Thank you, cough, cough.

    in reply to: Is Entropy a "property" or a "primrose-path"? #505
    Bill Eshleman

    Dear Gyula,

    You said:
    “The only conserved properties of interactions are their sources and their constant propagation c.”

    I must agree, but then I must conclude that it is really
    the entropy which is conserved and propagated at c…….

    So in this fashion, Atoms and Entropy would be equivalent
    notions and this is what I’m thinking Boltzmann
    was “getting-at” in the first place. That is, that conserved particles and conserved waves are what might be
    called “entropy-packets”(-P times Log(P)) and symmetric in

    Bill Eshleman

    in reply to: Precession of the perihelion of Mercury #487
    Bill Eshleman

    Ludwig Boltzmann was a genius; his atoms and his entropy
    are tightly related, if not exactly the same thing.

    Here is a nice lecture to this end:

    That is, if the statistics are Gausian… did I say that

    in reply to: The path of gravity #470
    Bill Eshleman

    The picture in this post is a page out of my “idea-book”.

    This cardioid-like curve is constructed piecewise-linear,
    with the equality,

    (delta theta)/(delta R) = theta/R

    For our Sun, theta is the angle between an imaginary line
    to where the Sun really is, and an imaginary line to where
    the Sun was about 500 seconds previously. R is the distance of separation of the Earth and Sun, a 500 second
    trip for the light(and gravity).

    We all know that light and gravity travel only in straight
    lines if not interfered with somehow, but that cardioid-like
    “path” is compelling to say the least. Could it be a real path? Please dash my hopes with some logical reason why
    that cardioid-like curve is just a mathematical artifact.

    I literally need to “straighten-out” out that curve so I can
    discard it or optionally leave more folks confused, as
    certainly am I.

    Gyula, please put Picture004.jpg here:

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