Precession of the perihelion of Mercury

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  • #448
    Gyula Szász

    Dear Gyula,
    But I suspect that there may be a “baby” in the wash-water; maybe the “babies” are the ideas Einstein stole from Lorentz.

    Picasso once said, I am told, “Good artists copy, great artists steal”

    And it’s probably an unfortunate Nature of the Human Condition that the originators of ideas, like yourself, are dismissed by the simple fact that new ideas cannot be understood using the old conventions that folks have gotten accustomed to using. 🙁

    Bill Eshleman

    exact inertial conditions of positions x(body;t) and of velocities v(body;t) of bodies at an exact time t = 0, are physically not allowed simplifications. Also bodies cannot fall with the identical acceleration a(body1) = a(body i) = constant.
    At physical description of motions, in particular for microscopic objects and for the stars in Universe firstly these conditions must be take in to consideration.

    Gyula Szász

    Bill Eshleman

    Ludwig Boltzmann was a genius; his atoms and his entropy
    are tightly related, if not exactly the same thing.

    Here is a nice lecture to this end:

    That is, if the statistics are Gausian… did I say that

    Gyula Szász

    At the connection of Entropy and H-Theorem some basic assumption are not correct:

    – First of all: the positions, x, and the velocities, v, are not intrinsic properties of particles.
    – x and v are never known exactly: definite initial conditions, definite assumptions about x(t), v(t) at some time exact t is impossible.
    – The infinity (infinite large and infinite small) distances belong not to physical descriptions. The particles cannot be too close to each other.
    – Intrinsic properties of particles are two kinds of conserved charges qi and gi,; they are elementary electric and elementary gravitational charges.
    – qi and gi generate two fundamental interactions; the interactions are non-conservative in presence of charges. The interactions propagate with c. The interactions between particles can be attractive or repulsive.
    – Never exist particles without charges; never exist particles without interactions.
    – In small distances the electromagnetic interaction dominates. In large distance the gravity dominates, however, electromagnetism is also always present.
    – Elastic scattering of particles can never occur. The particles are always correlated.
    – Particles and fields appear always together.
    – What is the equilibrium of matter composed of particles and fields? Is the equilibrium the state of neutrinos or the neutron stars? Or somewhat other?

    Almost each basic assumption at the foundation of entropy is incorrect.

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