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    Gyula Szász

    Einstein said at the end of his life:

    „Sie stellen es sich so vor, dass ich mit stiller Befriedigung auf ein Lebenswerk zurückschaue. Aber es ist ganz anders von der Nähe gesehen. Da ist kein einziger Begriff, von dem ich überzeugt wäre, dass er standhalten wird, und ich fühle mich unsicher, ob ich überhaupt auf dem rechten Wege bin.“

    Gyula Szász

    He was not on the right way!

    Gyula Szász

    Einstein’s relations E = hν and E = m∙c^2 are invalid physical realations. Furthermore, he believed on the Universality of Free Fall, on the equality of the inertial and gravitational mass, mi = mg, which is also false.

    Gyula Szász

    Einstein’s gravitational theory is also false; the gravitation is caused by conserved elementary gravitational charges.

    Gyula Szász

    Einstein’s relativity theories, SR and GR, are physically invalid theories. The quantum theories (QT) based on the light quantum hypothesis are also invalid.

    The physics based on four kinds of stable elementary particles, e, p, P and E, which carry two kinds of conserved elementary charges and the interactions are non-quantized, non-conservative interactions and propagate with the constant velocity c.

    The elementary masses, me and mP, of the elementary particles are not equivalent of energy; only for the stable elementary particles are the inertial and gravitational masses equal, mi(elementary particle) = mg(elementary particle). For the other entire particle system are the inertial and gravitation masses different. The inertial masses are
    mi = (N(P) + N(E))∙mP + (N(e) + N(p))∙me – E(bound)/c^2,
    and the gravitational masses
    mg = |(N(P) – N(E))∙mP + (N(p) – N(e))∙me |.
    Masses, mi and mg, are greater or equal zero and the bound energy E(bound) is radiated the bonding of the elementary particles, e, p, P and E.

    Gyula Szász

    The Standard Models of the Particle Physics and of the Astrophysics are physically invalid because they based on the physically invalid energetic conventions: the SR, GT and QT. Not any implications of these SM are physically “true”.

    The Atomistic Theory of Matter based on the four kinds of stable elementary particles, e, p, P and E, deliver the correct physical description of Nature. The laws of Nature are non-deterministic, however, causal.

    Einstein’s presumption at the end of his life is true: not any of his concepts is physically reliable.

    Gyula Szász

    One aspect of the atomistic theory is quite new: the gravitation is caused by conserved elementary gravitational charges gi = {- g me, + g me, + g mP, – g mP} of the four stable elementary particles e, p, P and E. These elementary charges cause the gravitation quite similar to the elementary electric charges qi = {- e, + e, + e, – e}, which cause the electromagnetism.

    The interactions are non-quantized and propagate with the constant velocity c. The universality of gravitation is given by the fact that the universal gravitational constant G is G = g^2/4π.

    In physics no other interactions are needed as the gravitation and the electromagnetism.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Gyula Szász.
    Gyula Szász

    Only the two-particle systems (P,e), (p,e), (p,E) and (P,E) can build bound states; all other two-particle systems cannot build bound states.

    The two-particle systems (e,p) and (P,E) have the gravitational masses zero, mg =0. If the inertial masses, mi, are also zero these states are to be called as neutrinos. The sizes of the neutrinos are 0.703∙10^-13 cm, respectively 0.383 ∙10^-16 cm.

    The (P,e)-system can build the hydrogen atom at the bound energy of 13.8 eV, the stable neutron N0 at 2.04 MeV bound energy with the size of 0.702∙10^-13 cm. If the bound energy of the (P,e)-system is E(bound) = (mP + me) ∙c^2, the inertial mass is zero and this state has the size of 0.382 ∙10^-16 cm.

    The approach of two particles in the bound states cannot be less than 0.382 ∙10^-16 cm; the stable elementary particles do not annihilate.

    The energy-mass equivalent relation of Einstein, E = m∙c^2 is generally not valid; a particle system with the mass m can only radiate the energy E = m∙c^2 if before the radiation the bound energy was E = m∙c^2. But also in this state the elementary particles, e, p, P and E, are present.

    Gyula Szász

    The instable neutron N is composed of four elementary particles, N =(P,e,p,e) and the decay is

    N =(P,e,p,e) → P + e + νe, with the electron-neutrino νe =(e,p).

    The nuclei of the Earth are composed of protons (P), electrons (e) and positrons (p). Our matter is proton-based matter. The eltons (E) are not built in our nuclei, but eltons can also build elton-based condensed matter. Between proton-based and elton-based matter there exists a repulsive gravitation; there exist proton-based galaxies and elton-based galaxies which repel each other.

    The instable myons μ± are five-particle-systems

    μ± = {(e,p,e,P,E), (e,p,e,P,E)},

    with the decays

    μ- = (e,p,e,P,E) → e + νe + νP; with the neutrinos νe =(e,p) and νP =(P,E),

    μ+ = (p,e,p,E,P) → p + νe + νP; with the neutrinos νe =(e,p) and νP =(P,E).

    The instable myons are not elementary particles.

    The other entire instable particle, the pions, the kaons, the Λ, Σ and the Ξ baryons and the other instable particles are composed of electron (e), positron (p), proton (P) and elton (e). No other elementary particles are needed as e, p, P and E.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Gyula Szász.
    Gyula Szász

    Nature is subdivided in four kinds of stable elementary particles e, p, P and E and in two kinds of interactions; the electromagnetism and the gravitation.

    No other particles and no other interactions are needed.

    Also photons and gravitons are physically not needed. The so called wave-particle dualism is physically “unreal”. There exist localizable particles and continuous fields. The fields propagate with the constant velocity c.

    The physics is to be described in finite ranges of Minkowski space and the positions and the velocities of particles can never observed exactly.

    Einstein did not guess this kind of Nature.

    Gyula Szász

    As hour of birth will be the day on the 14. December 1900 considered. On this day Max Planck in Berlin has proposed to explain the cavity radiation with an entire new assumption that the “energies of electrons” Ei are correlated with a constant h and they send out light with the frequencies, νij, according to Eij = Ei -Ej = h∙νij. Planck was unlucky because he could not nearly explain his “quantum hypothesis”. A new name was also born: h is called the quantum of action. Einstein followed Planck’s idea 1905 and he declared the light quantum hypothesis.

    Both great scientists came not on the idea that the Planck’s constant h could be a Lagrange multiplier as a consequence of the subsidiary condition that the electric charges of the involved particles are conserved. As the boundary condition is to be taken that the radiation of light is in equilibrium with the emitting particles.

    Not the energy of light is quantized, but only the frequencies of the radiation in the cavity radiation. The Maxwell equation shows how oscillating electric charge density produce electromagnetic radiation with discrete frequencies. The energies of electrons are also not quantized.

    Gyula Szász

    Einstein tried 1905 to explain the photoelectric effect with an ad hoc hypothesis, but he has expressed also his problems with his own ad hoc light quantum hypothesis at the first times on the 81. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte 1909 in Salzburg.

    Obviously, Einstein offered his malaise about the role of accidence in the new quantum physics. In the classical physics the causality has unrestricted validity. Therefore, for each action there must be a definite cause. The thinking on causality is governed our life, the thinking of cause and action. The Planck constant h puts again these reflections a great barrier. Nature is not more continuously, since the action quantum is not divisible. Moreover, the action quantum provides an insurmountable obstacle for our world description.

    This negative vision is not true. In reality only the principle uncertainty that neither the positions, nor the velocities of particles are ever precisely known distinguish the microscopic physics from the classical physics. The definite inertial conditions of bodies of the classical physics cannot be assumed in microscopical physics. The causality is further valid in each region of physics: the interactions are caused by conserved elementary charges.

    Gyula Szász

    A very important recognition in physics is that the charges of particles are conserved, however, their energies are not conserved.

    Gyula Szász

    Time and space are connected because the interactions propagate with c. However, the masses of bodies do not influence the time-space continuum.

    Bill Eshleman

    Dear Gyula,

    GOOGLE seems to have made a mess of the Einstein quote;
    Please, if you will, translate the translation for me.

    “Make it so before that I look back with quiet satisfaction on a life’s work. But it is seen quite differently from close. There is not a single phrase that I would be confident that he will stand, and I feel unsure if I am ever on the right path.”

    Sometimes I feel like that too.

    Bill Eshleman

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