Reply To: Atomistic Theory of Matter

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Gyula Szász

Atomistic physics contra energetic physics.
Gyula Szasz <> 18. März 2016 um 12:12

An: William Eshleman <>
Cc:,,, Polina Kopeikin <>,, Serg <>, Matthias Bartelmann <>, Markus Pössel <>, “Neubert, Prof. Dr. Matthias” <>, Hraskó Péter <>, Sandor Katz <>, palg <>, Jancsó Gábor <>, Jean de Climont <>, Julian Szasz <>, Wolfram Bahmann <>, Joachim Kopp <>, “Ascheron, Claus, Springer DE” <>, Attila Erdös <>, Gyula Dávid <>,

A felfedezö magyarokról
Gyula Szasz <> 18. März 2016 um 12:07

An:, Hraskó Péter <>, palg <>, Jancsó Gábor <>, Norbert Babcsan <>, Sandor Katz <>, Julian Szasz <>, Gyula Dávid <>, MTA Külső Köztestület <>, MTA Szerkesztőség <>,,,, Ferenc Mezei <>,

New Fundamental Principles in Physics are created and it is shown that the currently accepted principles of relativity theories, SR and GR, and quantum theories (QT) have physically invalid basics. These were only scientifically conventions; however, they are physically unusable for the creation of a comprehensive physical theory. Generally, the energetic physics is unusable and must be replaced by an atomistic theory of matter.
The enclosed work is to be considered as preprint; the publication is intended. This is addressed to the editors of physical journals, Phys. Rev., EPJC, and ZNA, who have declined all publications on this development.

The paper is sent to the editors of the above mentioned physical journals.

Gyula I. Szász

  • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by Gyula Szász.
  • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by Gyula Szász.
  • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by Gyula Szász.