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Gyula Szász

Dear Colleagues,

in the actual physics nobody tried to explain what is the physical consequences of the two key observation that the UFF is violated and that each sub-atomic objects are essential smaller than their emitted wavelengths. The mainstream in physics claims still on the relativity theories (RT) and on the quantum theories (QT) based on quantization of the fields and energy. However, no unified description of the two fundamental interactions, the electromagnetism and the gravitation, could be constructed and the gravitation is not built in particle physics. The resistance of working physicists is gigantic again any changes in fundamental physics. But, the two actual trendsetting theories have no physical basics; they are scientifically invalid theories. Nobody tried to eliminate the discrepancies between observation and actual used physics. Nobody tried to formulate the fundamental principles of physics on which Nature can be physically described on a comprehensive and scientific valid level.
The consequences of the above mentioned key observation are fundamental: never are elementary particles in the Universe annihilated or created and the emission of light by sub-atomic objects is a continuous process. The elementary particles do not have own electromagnetic radiations; they are not composed of any other fundamental particles. The elementary electric charges, qi = {±e}, of the stable elementary particles are really elementary. Such properties are called in theories invariants. But, the elementary particles have also a second elementary property: the elementary gravitational charges, gi. The elementary gravitational charges are also invariants. Because of the universality of gravitation, the invariant gravitational charges are connected to elementary masses of the elementary particles; two elementary masses are observed, the elementary masses of the proton (P), mP, and of electron (e), me. As well the invariant elementary electric charges have to signs as the invariant gravitational charges. Besides of proton and electron two further stable elementary particles are observed: the positron (p) and the elton (E). I have labeled the fourth elementary particle with the name “elton” instead of “antiproton”. The four elementary particles e, p, P and E have two kinds of invariant properties: the elementary charges qi and gi = {± g∙mi}. The universal gravitational constant G is connected to g, G= g^2/4∙π. The invariant elementary charges cause the interactions between the particles: The electric force is attractive between two particles with different signs of electric charges and is repulsive if the signs of charges are the same. For the gravitational charges the behavior is on the contrary: the gravitational force is repulsive between two particles with different signs of gravitational charges and is attractive if the signs of charges are the same.
Furthermore, the propagation of the interactions is always observed with the constant values c and the speed of interactions does not depend on the motions of the sources. The detection of gravitational waves, (Abbott et al, 11. February 2016), confirmed the earlier observation of Sergei Kopeikin that the gravitation also propagates with c. The constant propagation of interactions connects space and time and the Minkowski space is to be used for description of physical processes. The two kinds of invariant charges of the elementary particles cause the interactions between particles which are non-conservative because emitting radiations. The invariant charges can be described by four natural constants, e, mP, me and G. Together with c a Lorentz invariant theory can be constructed with the only use of invariants. This description unifies the electromagnetism and gravitation. For the particles additional conditions must be applied: the conservations of particle numbers. These conditions, treated as subsidiary conditions, deliver Lagrange multipliers for the equations of particle motions. The Planck constant h is connected to a Lagrange multiplier which describes the atomic shells. An additional Lagrange multiplier, h0 = h/387, describes the nuclei and the observed instable particles. The new theory is a comprehensive Atomistic Theory of Matter and is able to eliminate the invalid energetic theory based on RT and QT. The new theory is published on and is a scientific revolution with paradigm-shift in physical science.
Gyula I. Szász