Reply To: Precession of the perihelion of Mercury

Welcome Forums Gravitation Precession of the perihelion of Mercury Reply To: Precession of the perihelion of Mercury

Bill Eshleman

Gyula, I guess I’ll call on Heisenberg so
when the position gets uncertain enough, I’ll
know the velocity pretty accurately. And
I’ll measure it in a laboratory to minimize

I am still troubled by your requirement
that “space” cannot warp, so I am “all ears”
as to why it cannot warp.

And please don’t expect me to understand that
“space” cannot warp because your theory says
so; I desire the physical reason that led you
to find-out that “space” cannot warp.

That is, is non-warping an assumption and/or
a formalism and/or an interpretation and/or
a prediction?