Atomistic Theory of Matter

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    Gyula Szász

    The Atomistic Theory of Matter (ATOM) is a new developed fundamental physical theory and is quite the contrary to the energetic physics developed in the 20th century based on energy conservation, on energy quantization and on two kinds of reletivity theories. The basics of ATOM are four kinds of stable elementary particles with two kind of conserved elementary charges. The charges cause the electromagnetic and gravitational interactions and the interaction fileds propagate with c.

    Gyula Szász

    Preamble (Created by Gyula I. Szász)

    I have recognized two key observations in nature: The first is that the Universality of Free Fall (UFF) is violated. The second is that all microscopic objects are essential smaller than the wavelengths of their electromagnetic radiations.
    The first key observation is sufficiently founded in my lecture

    The basic for the UFF violation is that the gravitational and inertial masses of macroscopic bodies are in the range of 1% different. The weak equivalence principle which stated the equality of these two masses is invalid. This induced me to create a new design of gravitation. It is neither a universal mass attraction, nor it is caused by the deformation of space-time around masses. Gravitation is caused by elementary charges and as well attractive as repulsive gravitational forces occur.
    The second key observation gained from experimental date about size of microscopic objects and the wavelengths of their radiations. The Figure 1 in Section 7 in my book Physics of Elementary Processes; Basic Approach in Physics and Astronomy, ISBN: 963 219 791 7, published also in, summarize the observed results, beginning with atoms up to nucleons and neutrinos. The main message from this is that light emissions through microscopic objects are wave processes and not a corpuscular phenomenon.
    These two key observations initiated me to create a new, atomistic based physics, an Atomistic Theory of Matter (ATOM), quite the contrary to the energetic physics developed in the 20th century based on the energy conservation, on quantization of energy and on two relativity theories. The basic of our theory are taken from the observed four stable elementary particles, the electron (e), the positron (p), the proton (P) and elton (E). I have labeled the fourth particle as elton and not as “antiproton”. These particles can be subdivided in two classes; the electrons and positrons with the masse me and the protons and eltons with a larger mass mP whereby mp/me = 1936.152. The mP and me are considered as elementary masses which do not change during particle reactions. Further, in analogy to the elementary electric charges qi = {±e} I have introduced elementary gravitational charges qi = {±g∙mi} for the elementary particles i=e,p,P,E. The universal gravitational constant is G=g2/4π. Thus, the four kinds of elementary particles have two kinds of conserved elementary charges qi and gi and the elementary charges causes the interactions between the particles and the continuous interactions fields propagate with c. The following features are also added to the basic principles of atomistic physics: neither the positions, nor the velocities of particles are ever exactly known and all physical systems should always be described in finite space-time regions. The ATOM is also a quantum theory; however, in this theory only the sources of the fields are quantized.
    No further scientific assumptions; no additional physical hypotheses are needed to develop a comprehensive description of nature. One has only to use the appropriate mathematical formalisms. The theory unifies the description of electromagnetism and gravitation; however, the energy is not conserved. The electromagnetic interaction is by a factor of ca. 10+40 stronger than gravitation. The theory is able to interpret as well subatomic data, as astronomic processes in Universe in physical and mathematical consistent level. For the description of nature only five natural constants are needed: c, e, me, mP and G. The main aspects of the Atomistic Theory of Matter are explained and the derived results are discussed on the website

    Gyula Szász

    In the modern physics, developed in the 20th century, the accepted relations of energetic physics, the equality of gravitational and inertial masses m(g) = m(i), the equivalence of mass and energy E = mc^2 and the quantization of light with E = hν are all physically invalid relations.

    Gyula Szász

    The Atomistic Theory of Matter

    After the fundamental knowledge that neither the positions, not the velocities of particles can ever be exactly known, we must look how many different kinds of elementary particles exist. The experimental observations tell us, there are four: the electron (e), the positron (p), the proton (P) end the elton (E). How many different kind of elementary properties have these particles? We count two: the electric charges and masses. We have observed two kinds of elementary electric charges qi = ± e and two different elementary masses me and mP with mP/me = 1936.152. For the characterization of each particles e, p, P and E is enough to know the electric charge qi and the mass mi. However, this is uncomfortable and is not on the same level. The electric charges have the same amount e, but different signs; the masses mP and me have different amounts and are > 0.

    However, we can achieve the same kind of characterization of the elementary particle properties if we assign to the particles instead of the masses, the elementary gravitational charges gi = {- g me, + g me, + g mP, – g mE}, i=e,p,P,E. At the introduction of gravitational charges we have arbitrary decide that proton has a positive gravitational charge, as we decided that proton has positive electric charge. The relative sings of the other elementary particles follow then. Furthermore, we do not only want set up the elementary properties of particles, but we want use these also for the interactions between the particles. For this reason we use the observed static forces, in the shape of the Coulomb law and of the Newton law between two charges

    F(Coulomb) = + qi∙qj/4πr^2 = ± e^2/4πr^2,

    F(Newton) = – gi∙gj/4πr^2 = – (±) g^2∙mi ∙mj/4πr^2 = – (±) G∙mi ∙mj/r^2.

    We notice, the two laws are completely equivalent only the overall signs are different. Under the assumption of universal gravitational forces expressed with the constant G we can express the factor g in the elementary gravitational charges as g =(G∙4∙π)^1/2. Now, we are ready with the complete characterization of elementary particles. Particles with the same signs of electric charges repulse each other; with different electric charges they are attractive. For the gravitational charges it is reserved: particles with the same signs of gravitational charges are attractive; they repulse each other if the signs are different. The observed electric force is by a factor of ca. 10^42 greater than the gravitational force.

    We have to complete the description of particles and interactions with the observed properties that the fields propagate with c and the speeds of the fields do not depend of the motion of sources. The unique speed c allows constructing a space-time connection which we call the Minkowski space. In the Minkowski space the elementary charges qi and gi appear as invariants. The interacting time dependent fields can be described with four-vector potential A(e.m.)ν(x) and A(g.)ν(x) in finite ranges of Minkowski space {x}εΩ. With the two kinds of four-vector potentials and with the two kinds of four-charge probability currents

    j(e.m.)ν(x) = Σ(i=e,p,P,E) qi∙ji(n)ν(x)


    j(g.)ν(x) = Σ(i=e,p,P,E) gi∙ji(n)ν(x)

    we can construct a Lorentz invariant Lagrange density with the elementary charges, with the four-particle number probability densities ji(n)ν(x) and with the two kinds of four-vector potentials. The integration runs about Ω and delivers a Lorentz invariant action integral for the variation calculus in order to get the covariant equations of motions. The action integral is not an expression for the energy.

    However, appropriate subsidiary and boundary conditions must be applied. The boundary conditions are such that the physics within Ω cannot depend on the surface of Ω. Within Ω the following subsidiary conditions must be applied

    ∂νA(e.m.)ν(x) = 0, ∂νA(g.)ν(x) = 0 for the fields (Lorenz conditions) and

    ∂νji(n)ν(x) = 0, i=e,p,P,E for the particles.

    The subsidiary conditions of the particles are equivalent with the particle number conservations. The particle number conservations cause the appearance of Lagrange multipliers in the equations of particles motions. For instant the Planck constant is connected with a Lagrange multiplier. This theory is also a quantum theory; however in this are only the sources of the fields quantized.

    This theory is obviously a mathematic correct constucted Atomistic Theory of Matter based on the four kinds of elementary particles e, p, P, and E. This theory is quite the contrary to the energetic oriented physics developed in the 20th century. Again the energetic physics speak that the energy is none conserved and none quantized. The emission of light by atoms is a wave process and not a corpuscular phenomenon. The energy decreases continuously during the emission and not in discrete energy packages. The atomistic theory is able to replace completely the developed, but invalid energetic theory.

    Gyula Szász

    P.S. Unfortunately the text editor does not transfer the lower and upper indices.

    Gyula Szász

    Additional we state:
    With Newton’s law the gravitational masses of each body can be calculated with the elementary masses. The gravitational mass is conserved. The inertial masses follow from the equation of motion and we can state these both masses are obviously different.

    Gyula Szász

    Prognoses of the Atomistic Theory of Matter (ATOM)

    The ATOM based on the four stable elementary particles e, p, P and E connect the electromagnetism and gravitation in a unified way in Minkowski space and build in the gravitation in the particle physics. The particle number conservations, as subsidiary conditions of the particles at the variation, deliver Lagrange multipliers for the equations of particle motions. The Planck constant h is connected to a Lagrange multiplier, however, at the appearance of h a second condition should also be considered: the stationary solution of the variation must be also timely stationary. We want now consider these conditions at two-particle states. Because only at the appearance of attractive electric forces are stationary bound states awaited, it is evidently, we must only consider the following systems: (e,P), (e,p), (p,E) and (P,E). The first two, are well observed on the Earth; they are connected with the hydrogen atom and with the positronium. The other two contain elton (=“antiproton”) and they are seldom seen on the Earth because between elton and proton based matter a repulsive gravitational force exists.

    For hydrogen atom H a phenomenological relation is known (Sommerfeld) for the Planck constant h (as Lagrange multiplier)

    h =e^2/2c ∙(m’(H)∙c^2/2∙E(H;bound))^1/2 = 6.62607004 × 10^-34 m2 kg / s,

    between the reduced mass m’(H) = me∙mP/(me+mP) and the energy of the ground state E(H;bound) = 13.6 eV. The same relation is also available for the positronium, however with the changed reduced mass m’(positronium) = me/2 and for the bound energy E(positronium;bound) = 6.8 eV.

    Also for the sizes of bound states is a phenomenological relation is known

    r(bound state) = h^2/(4π2m’e^2).

    For the gravitational masses of (e,P) and (e,p), taking the signs of the gravitational charges into account, we get
    mg(H) = mP – me, and mg(positronium) = 0.
    We calculate at this point also the gravitational masse of the two other two-particle systems
    mg((p,E)-system) = mP – me and mg((P,E)-system) = 0.
    On the other side, the inertial masses of the (e,P) and (e,p) systems are
    mi(H) = mp + me – 13.6 eV/c^2 and mi(positronium) = 2∙me – 6.8 eV/c^2.
    Obviously the two kinds of masses mg and mi are different for the hydrogen atom, (e,P), and for the positronium, (e,p) in the “ground states”.
    As the inertial masses cannot be negative, we could ask for the case what happens if the bound energy of (e,p) is equal to 2∙me∙c^2, that is if mi((e,p)-system) = 0? The energy of the (e,p)-system cannot be lower as 2∙me∙c^2. We identify this state with the electron-neutrino νe at the bound energy E(νe, bound) = 2∙me∙c^2. With this bound energy and the reduced mass m’(e,p) = me/2 we get, according the formula for h, another value

    h0 = e^2/2c∙(me/(2∙4∙me))^1/2= e2/2c∙(1/8)^1/2 = h/387.

    This new constant h0 fixes as well the state of electron-neutrino νe =(e,p), as also the proton-neutrino νP =(P,E). For the neutrinos are as well the gravitational masses as the inertial masses zero, and we remark, the masse of the composing particles, e, p, respectively P and E, are not annihilated at the building of the neutrinos. This is a hint that masses cannot be converted in energy; masses are not equivalent to the energy.
    If we take the value of h0 also for the (e,P)-system, we get a new bound energy

    E((e,P)-system;bound) = 2.04 MeV,

    and we identify this state with the stable neutron N0. The gravitational mass of N0 remains the same as for the hydrogen atom, however, the inertial mass is changed

    mi(N0) = mP + me – 2.04 MeV/c^2.

    The inertial mass mi(N0) is smaller than the inertial mass of the hydrogen atom and mi(N0) is smaller than the gravitational masses of N0, mg(N0), and smaller than that of the gravitational mass of the hydrogen atom. We notice, mg(N0) = mg(H).

    We state, within the ATOM we can calculate as well the gravitational masses mg as the inertial masses mi of composed systems and these masses are different. Within the ATOM neither the weak equivalence principle, mi = mg, nor the energy-mass equivalence, E = m∙c^2 is valid. Einstein thrown away the gravitational masses of bodies and he could not calculate within his special relativity the “rest masses” mi(v=0). The advantages of ATOM are obviously in comparison to the special relativity.

    Furthermore, within the ATOM we have definitions for the two kinds of neutrinos, νe and νP,. These definitions can be accounted as prognoses of the theory.
    We can also calculate the sizes of N0, νe and νP
    d(N0) = 2∙r(N0) = 0.702∙10^-13 cm, (two times the radius),
    r(νe) = 0.703∙10^-13 cm,
    r(νP) = 0.383∙10^-16 cm.

    The size of the proton-neutrino, νP, is about 1936 times smaller, than the sizes of N0 and νe. The sizes of N0 and νe nearly the same and 10^-13 cm and it is in the size ranges of the nuclei. We conclude, the nuclei are composed of protons, stable neutrons N0 and electron-neutrinos νe. The instable neutron N which is coming out at nucleon decays and which is experimentally observed is obviously N =(P,e,p,e) which the decay mode

    N =(P,e,p,e) → P + e + (e,p) = P + e + ve.

    The instable neutron N is a four-particle system.
    We can conclude that all sub-atomic systems composed of e, p, P and E with the new constant h0 and not with the Planck constant h. For instant, h0 is to be applied at the calculation of the energies and of the sizes of nuclei, and also at the calculation of other instable particles.

    The ATOM is a very powerful theory to treat sub-atomic systems. We have not only the circumstance that the electromagnetism and the gravitation are treated in a unified level, but we can calculate all sub-atomic system. The prognoses of the Atomistic Theory of Matter are undoubtedly very valuable.

    Gyula Szász

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Gyula Szász.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Gyula Szász.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Gyula Szász.
    Gyula Szász

    The Higgs bosons are not needed to understand what masses of particles are!

    Gyula Szász

    The comparison of the relativity theories (RT) with the Atomistic Theory of Matter (ATOM).

    In the RT is the inertial mass mi set equal to the gravitational mass mg, mi = mg, and the gravitational mass is thrown away. Furthermore, it is only calculated in RT with inertial mass m and the following relations are valid: E = m∙c^2 and E^2 = (m0∙c^2)^2 +(p∙c)^2. The inertial mass m depends of the velocity v; it is the relativistic mass. The calculation of the “rest mass”, m0, cannot be done in RT; it remains open what the “rest mass” is. This situation is not only dissatisfying, but scientifically impossible. The physicists do not know what “rest mass” is and they cannot really calculate what relativistic mass is! The ambiguity of “mass” remains at the use of RT and nobody take notice from it. It remains the central unsolved problem of the whole accepted modern physics.

    For the four elementary particles e,p,P, E are the gravitational masse mgj equal to the inertial masses mij: mgj = mij, j=e,p,P,E.
    All masses composed bodies of Ni elementary particles can be calculated with the elementary masses mP and me. The gravitational masses of composed bodies are
    mg(Ne, Np, NP, NE) = |(NP – NE)∙mP + (Np – Ne)∙me|,
    At the gravitational mass is respected that the gravitational charges, gi, have different signs gi = ± g ∙mi; the gravitational constant is G and g = (4π∙G)^1/2 and further, in the Newtonian force equation the product of gravitational charges appears.
    The inertial “rest masses” (at COM motion with v=0) of composed bodies are
    mi(Ne, Np, NP, NE) = (NP + NE)∙mP + (Np + Ne)∙me – E(bound)/c^2.
    E(bound) is the bound energy of the composed body; the inertial mass is greater or equal zero. The “rest mass” is unambiguously defined in ATOM and obviously the two masses of composed bodies are different. Alone this fact is an advantage in ATOM and is against RT!
    The relativistic mass is defined only as approximation from the covariant equations of particle motions; the equations of motions contain also the two fundamental fields which propagate with c. But the bound energy is defined only at v=0 COM motion. Furthermore, we have also the uncertainty that we never know the velocity of particles exactly. The Lorentz factor contains the relativistic addition of velocities and it is only usable for exactly known velocities of particles.
    The comparison of RT and ATOM shows that RT cannot be used as well at “rest masses” as at the relativistic masses correctly thus without approximation.
    Gyula Szász

    Gyula Szász

    The question is why does somebody use RT yet?

    Gyula Szász

    Dear Colleagues,

    in the actual physics nobody tried to explain what is the physical consequences of the two key observation that the UFF is violated and that each sub-atomic objects are essential smaller than their emitted wavelengths. The mainstream in physics claims still on the relativity theories (RT) and on the quantum theories (QT) based on quantization of the fields and energy. However, no unified description of the two fundamental interactions, the electromagnetism and the gravitation, could be constructed and the gravitation is not built in particle physics. The resistance of working physicists is gigantic again any changes in fundamental physics. But, the two actual trendsetting theories have no physical basics; they are scientifically invalid theories. Nobody tried to eliminate the discrepancies between observation and actual used physics. Nobody tried to formulate the fundamental principles of physics on which Nature can be physically described on a comprehensive and scientific valid level.
    The consequences of the above mentioned key observation are fundamental: never are elementary particles in the Universe annihilated or created and the emission of light by sub-atomic objects is a continuous process. The elementary particles do not have own electromagnetic radiations; they are not composed of any other fundamental particles. The elementary electric charges, qi = {±e}, of the stable elementary particles are really elementary. Such properties are called in theories invariants. But, the elementary particles have also a second elementary property: the elementary gravitational charges, gi. The elementary gravitational charges are also invariants. Because of the universality of gravitation, the invariant gravitational charges are connected to elementary masses of the elementary particles; two elementary masses are observed, the elementary masses of the proton (P), mP, and of electron (e), me. As well the invariant elementary electric charges have to signs as the invariant gravitational charges. Besides of proton and electron two further stable elementary particles are observed: the positron (p) and the elton (E). I have labeled the fourth elementary particle with the name “elton” instead of “antiproton”. The four elementary particles e, p, P and E have two kinds of invariant properties: the elementary charges qi and gi = {± g∙mi}. The universal gravitational constant G is connected to g, G= g^2/4∙π. The invariant elementary charges cause the interactions between the particles: The electric force is attractive between two particles with different signs of electric charges and is repulsive if the signs of charges are the same. For the gravitational charges the behavior is on the contrary: the gravitational force is repulsive between two particles with different signs of gravitational charges and is attractive if the signs of charges are the same.
    Furthermore, the propagation of the interactions is always observed with the constant values c and the speed of interactions does not depend on the motions of the sources. The detection of gravitational waves, (Abbott et al, 11. February 2016), confirmed the earlier observation of Sergei Kopeikin that the gravitation also propagates with c. The constant propagation of interactions connects space and time and the Minkowski space is to be used for description of physical processes. The two kinds of invariant charges of the elementary particles cause the interactions between particles which are non-conservative because emitting radiations. The invariant charges can be described by four natural constants, e, mP, me and G. Together with c a Lorentz invariant theory can be constructed with the only use of invariants. This description unifies the electromagnetism and gravitation. For the particles additional conditions must be applied: the conservations of particle numbers. These conditions, treated as subsidiary conditions, deliver Lagrange multipliers for the equations of particle motions. The Planck constant h is connected to a Lagrange multiplier which describes the atomic shells. An additional Lagrange multiplier, h0 = h/387, describes the nuclei and the observed instable particles. The new theory is a comprehensive Atomistic Theory of Matter and is able to eliminate the invalid energetic theory based on RT and QT. The new theory is published on and is a scientific revolution with paradigm-shift in physical science.
    Gyula I. Szász

    Gyula Szász

    Comparison between the energetic physics with RT and QT and the Atomistic Theory of Matter

    I. Energetic physics:

    The energy E is conserved.
    The postulates of the special relativity (SR) are:
    1. First postulate (principle of relativity)
    The laws by which the states of physical systems undergo change are not affected, whether these changes of state be referred to the one or the other of two systems of coordinates in uniform translatory motion. Or: The laws of physics are the same in all inertial frames of reference.
    2. Second postulate (invariance of c)
    As measured in any inertial frame of reference, light is always propagated in empty space with a definite velocity c that is independent of the state of motion of the emitting body. Or: The speed of light in free space has the same value c in all inertial frames of reference.
    → E = m c^2, E^2 = (m0∙c^2)^2 + (p∙c)^2
    The postulates of the general relativity (GR):
    The gravitational mass mg and mi are equal; the Universality of Free Fall (UFF) is valid.
    → The gravitational mass mg is thrown away.
    The postulates of the quantum theories (QT):
    The energy is with E = hν and the electromagnetic field (all interacting fields) are quantized.
    Unsolved problems:
    → The “rest mass” m0 is undefined; the particles masses are unknown.
    → No covariant equations of motions for particle and fields exist.
    → The electromagnetic and gravitational interactions have different space-time metric.
    → No unified description of electromagnetism and gravitation.
    → Quantum gravitation is unknown.
    → The GT and QT are incompatible to each other.
    →The energetic physics has no valid basic principles and is a rigged physics.

    II. Atomistic physics:

    The particle numbers are conserved, energy is not conserved → Atomistic Theory of Matter.
    The basic postulates in physics are
    1. The continuous interaction field is always propagated in empty space with a definite velocity c and it is independent of the state of motion of the interacting body. Or: The speed of interaction in free space has a constant value c and it is independent of the motion of the sources. (invariance of interaction)
    2. The sources of the interaction field are quantized with conserved elementary charges. The sources of the interacting field are the stable elementary particles. (principle of quantization).
    3. All physical systems are to be described in finite range of space-time and neither the positions, nor the velocities of particles can be ever observed exactly. (principle of uncertainty)
    → No closed physical systems exist.
    → The interactions are non-conservative; continuous fields and propagate with c.
    → Only the sources of the interacting fields are quantized.
    → The elementary charges of electromagnetism, qi, and of gravitation gi are invariants.
    → The masses of the four stable particles e, p, P and E are with me and mP quantized.
    → The electromagnetism and gravitation is unified.
    → The covariant equations of motions of the interacting fields and the particles are derived.
    → The gravitational and inertial masses of particles/matter are defined and are different: mg/mi = 1 + Delta(matter).
    → The UFF is not valid.
    → The gravity is built in the particle physics.
    →All central problems of physics are solved.

    Summery: Without any doubts the atomistic physics is preferable against energetic physics. The Atomistic Theory of Matter is published on .

    Gyula Szász

    The scientific method (wikipedia)

    “The scientific method seeks to explain the events of nature in a reproducible way.[nb 11] An explanatory thought experiment or hypothesis is put forward, as explanation, using principles such as parsimony (also known as “Occam’s Razor”) and are generally expected to seek consilience—fitting well with other accepted facts related to the phenomena.[2][dubious – discuss] This new explanation is used to make falsifiable predictions that are testable by experiment or observation. The predictions are to be posted before a confirming experiment or observation is sought, as proof that no tampering has occurred. Disproof of a prediction is evidence of progress.[nb 12][nb 13] This is done partly through observation of natural phenomena, but also through experimentation, that tries to simulate natural events under controlled conditions, as appropriate to the discipline (in the observational sciences, such as astronomy or geology, a predicted observation might take the place of a controlled experiment). Experimentation is especially important in science to help establish causal relationships (to avoid the correlation fallacy).
    Isaac Newton made seminal contributions to classical mechanics, gravity, and optics. Newton shares credit with Gottfried Leibniz for the development of calculus.
    When a hypothesis proves unsatisfactory, it is either modified or discarded.[29] If the hypothesis survived testing, it may become adopted into the framework of a scientific theory. This is a logically reasoned, self-consistent model or framework for describing the behavior of certain natural phenomena. A theory typically describes the behavior of much broader sets of phenomena than a hypothesis; commonly, a large number of hypotheses can be logically bound together by a single theory. Thus a theory is a hypothesis explaining various other hypotheses. In that vein, theories are formulated according to most of the same scientific principles as hypotheses. In addition to testing hypotheses, scientists may also generate a model based on observed phenomena. This is an attempt to describe or depict the phenomenon in terms of a logical, physical or mathematical representation and to generate new hypotheses that can be tested.[30]
    While performing experiments to test hypotheses, scientists may have a preference for one outcome over another, and so it is important to ensure that science as a whole can eliminate this bias.[31][32] This can be achieved by careful experimental design, transparency, and a thorough peer review process of the experimental results as well as any conclusions.[33][34] After the results of an experiment are announced or published, it is normal practice for independent researchers to double-check how the research was performed, and to follow up by performing similar experiments to determine how dependable the results might be.[35] Taken in its entirety, the scientific method allows for highly creative problem solving while minimizing any effects of subjective bias on the part of its users (namely the confirmation bias).[36]”

    The UFF-hypothesis (Galileo) and the light quantum hypothesis (Einstein) were bias; both hypotheses are none confirmed in experiments. Both hypotheses proved unsatisfactory, both must be discarded. Newton’s equation of motion in the gravitational field must be modified.
    Gyula I. Szász

    Gyula Szász

    Atomistic physics contra energetic physics.
    Gyula Szasz <> 18. März 2016 um 12:12

    An: William Eshleman <>
    Cc:,,, Polina Kopeikin <>,, Serg <>, Matthias Bartelmann <>, Markus Pössel <>, “Neubert, Prof. Dr. Matthias” <>, Hraskó Péter <>, Sandor Katz <>, palg <>, Jancsó Gábor <>, Jean de Climont <>, Julian Szasz <>, Wolfram Bahmann <>, Joachim Kopp <>, “Ascheron, Claus, Springer DE” <>, Attila Erdös <>, Gyula Dávid <>,

    A felfedezö magyarokról
    Gyula Szasz <> 18. März 2016 um 12:07

    An:, Hraskó Péter <>, palg <>, Jancsó Gábor <>, Norbert Babcsan <>, Sandor Katz <>, Julian Szasz <>, Gyula Dávid <>, MTA Külső Köztestület <>, MTA Szerkesztőség <>,,,, Ferenc Mezei <>,

    New Fundamental Principles in Physics are created and it is shown that the currently accepted principles of relativity theories, SR and GR, and quantum theories (QT) have physically invalid basics. These were only scientifically conventions; however, they are physically unusable for the creation of a comprehensive physical theory. Generally, the energetic physics is unusable and must be replaced by an atomistic theory of matter.
    The enclosed work is to be considered as preprint; the publication is intended. This is addressed to the editors of physical journals, Phys. Rev., EPJC, and ZNA, who have declined all publications on this development.

    The paper is sent to the editors of the above mentioned physical journals.

    Gyula I. Szász

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Gyula Szász.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Gyula Szász.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Gyula Szász.
    Gyula Szász

    A new era is beginning in physics.

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